What We Did This Week To Prep 9/21/12

Last weekend, Momma Bear went to a party at a friend’s house and met the woman who writes the aGirlandherGun.org blog. Neither knew the other was a prepper, until they started talking. This Tuesday aGirlandherGun wrote about the experience, on her blog, and mentioned that Momma Bear wrote for us here at TraceMyPreps.com. That day I got the second most hits ever on my site; then Wednesday topped Tuesday and became my ‘top hits day ever’ (previously my top day had been back in February when the blog was mentioned, and linked to, on The Survival Podcast). Since then I have been enjoying reading her blog. I’d specifically recommend her post, The Story which tells of her “conversion” to personal self defense and prepping. I have added aGirlandherGun.com to my blog roll and I’d encourage everyone, but especially my female readers, to check out her blog and see the passion she has about protecting herself and her family, and why.

Also, Sarah and I went to the Washington State Fair. We always enjoy seeing the livestock, but this year we especially enjoyed seeing the rabbits. Prior to getting ours (American Chinchilla Rabbits) we knew nothing about rabbits; the reason we got that kind is because we were given the name of a local breeder and that’s what he had. But as we looked at the ones at the fair, we were very happy with how ours compared in appearance, size, and temperament. We were also able to talk, somewhat intelligently, with a couple of the 4H breeders there. In addition to the rabbits we saw the momma pigs and their young piglets. We talked with the 4H girl who was with them and, after asking some questions, determined that in the future we will consider getting a couple of piglets in the spring and raising them to butcher the following winter.

(Because I don’t want to jinx us) I’m not going to say much about the house we made the offer on in Quilcene, except to say that an offer was accepted and everything is moving forward. Though there have been some rocky parts (and likely will be more) things are moving in the right direction.

Finally, we went to Costco. As we were unpacking I realized, that other than just back filling some things we had used in our store what you eat (SWYE) food storage, we didn’t get anything to add to our preps. This made me realize that, though we’re by no way done adding to our preps (is that possible?), we really have got most of the things we need and a lot of the things we want — at least that are available from that venue.

What did you do?

3 thoughts on “What We Did This Week To Prep 9/21/12

  1. I will have to check out agirlabdhergun. I looked at Mommabears and will sign up for both. I am starting to pick up a lot of good tips on a lot of things. Keep up the good wot Trace.

  2. I just wanted to take a moment to commend you on your blog. I discovered it recently while google searching for prepper websites with a more moderate level headed tone. Despite the useful information on some prepper sites, I am quickly turned away when articles become loaded with politics and prejudices and spend as much time trying to find scapegoats to blame for the “impending doom” as they do talking about how to survive. I function with a “Having a fire extinguisher doesn’t mean I’m hoping for a fire to use it on” mentality so I really appreciate your blog for being exactly what it says; optimistic and moderate. It’s enjoyable to read, well written and full of practical and useful information. I feel that a site like this will open many minds to prepping that would otherwise be closed because of the extremeist politics and fear-mongering that permeate so many other sources. Thanks for the work you do in helping us prepare.

    • Thank you Nick. I had found the same type of fear mongering, overly romanticizing of a collapse, and/or gun obsessed prepper stuff out there and that’s part of why I started writing what I’m doing; thanks for the feedback that it’s working.

      And I’m going to use your fire extinguisher analogy, that’s awesome!

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