Book Review: Where There Is No Doctor

by David Werner with Carol Thuman and Jane Maxwell

After posting my review of The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook, I’ve had questions about how it compares to Where There Is No Doctor. Where There Is No Doctor is a medical reference that many have heard of, but few know much about. I thought it would be useful to review this also, and allow people to make the comparison themselves.

Where There Is No Doctor is published by Hesperian Health Guides. Hesperian is a altruistic nonprofit organization that publishes medical guides to “provide knowledge for action, and inspire action for health”. They have an open copyright and encourage the free and wide dissemination of all their material. They have many additional references available including: Where There Is No Dentist, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Community Guide to Environmental Health, and Water for Life.

Where There Is No Doctor is an incredibly useful reference that all preppers should have. NO EXCUSES, IT’S FREE! Just download the PDF. I’d recommend both printing it (it’s about 450 pages), and also storing it in a digital format (like a flash drive) that you can easily take with you.

The Hesperian publications are known for their simplicity of expression and copious illustrations. Their goal is to make them suitable for use by ordinary people in their homes and communities. They were originally written for rural Western Mexico, for a tropical and subtropical environment. They cover, in appropriate detail and diagrams, almost every medical problem and injury that is likely to occur in those areas. Their focus is primarily a third-world village audience.

Since the native culture, baseline medical understanding, and society is different than ours, much of that isn’t directly relevant to us. For example, they discuss the efficacy of traditional medical beliefs and whether they work or not – and why. However, in a collapse, our world will not be vastly different than theirs is today. Ironically, with their understanding of local plants and traditional healing methods, they will be better prepared than those of us who today depend on our family doctor or local ER.

There is also an involved discussion on diet and nutrition. While this is not as relevant in our current day-to-day lives, in a collapse–when you will be required to make each meal from scratch with locally available products–it would be very useful.

At the end are “The Green Pages”, 60 pages of prescription drug information. This section  contains appropriately detailed directions of how and when (and when not) to use prescription medications. The book concludes with a helpful glossary, index, and list of additional resources.

Because they are aware that some villages are very remote and medical assistance can be difficult to reach, they give as much information as possible to facilitate local care. But this book wasn’t written for a collapse, and they do encourage seeking out, or traveling to, additional medical assistance as necessary. Of course in collapse, as Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy stress, there won’t be much additional medical assistance anywhere.

Don’t underestimate or disregard this book because you feel it’s for those people in those countries. Yes, they discuss some regional and societal issues, but most health problems are similar for all of us no matter where we live – especially in a collapse.

My recommendation: download and print yourself a copy (it’ll only cost you the price of the paper) review it, and keep it in your medical reference library next to your copy of The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook. Both of these books are very good; used together I believe they provide the best collapse medicine resource library available today.

(Wednesday: Sarah’s View: Time To Order Seeds)

What I Did This Week To Prep 2/3/12

Reading, and writing my review of, The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook this week took a lot of my time, so not as much other stuff got done.

Sarah and I did do a fair amount behind the scenes on the the blog site itself. Sarah does the technical side and I handle the personal networking aspects. Is this a prepper topic though? I believe it is – especially since our blog is about prepping. But any blog you write allows you to teach and learn; it also may have the potential to develop into a business and/or give you more personal independence. Sarah upgraded us from WordPress.COM to WordPress.ORG. is the WordPress software that must be self-hosted (we went with Host Gator for that) but allows for greater flexibility and expansion potential. I’ve been corresponding more with people in the online prepper community; strengthening relationships and starting new ones. We’re also bringing on a new monthly contributor to our blog (more on her next week). Along those same lines, we’re considering having a (different) guest blogger write a post for us each month. So if you–or anyone you know–are interested, send me an email or facebook message (my contact information can be found on the About Trace page).

Last month I wrote a post on the Gerber EAB Lite Utility Knife. There has been discussion on TSP Forum where several people complained about the clip easily breaking off the knife. I’ve carried mine, clipped to my pocket everyday, for several months now without any issues. But just to do some follow-up, I contacted Gerber’s Warranty Department (by email). I told them we have several EABs and expressed my concern about the clip weakness, and asked them for a couple extra clips to keep on hand. They, no questions or hassles, sent me three replacement clips – no charge for shipping or anything. In summary, it’s a good little knife, good customer service experience, and I haven’t had any issues with the clip.

Finally, after reading the Doom and Bloom book, I decided we need to continue actively working on our medical preps. Because of my background, knowledge, and willingness, I’m sure one of my primary roles in a collapse will be as the medic. I believe I need to do as much as I can now to prepare for that role. So, coincidentally, last week on the Doom and Bloom blog, Dr. Bones wrote, Over The Counter Drugs When You’re the Doctor, that included a thorough list of OTC drugs to stock up on. This week he wrote, Must Have Antibiotics, Antifungals, and Antivirals. So, we’ve earmarked some money for additional fish antibiotics (Antibiotics In Your Preps) and are going to stock up on more OTC meds when we go to Costco. How much is too much? Tough call. But they store for a long, long time (Expired, or Not Expired… That is the Question), they’re relatively cheap, they don’t take too much space to store and–in a collapse–they’re irreplaceable.

What did you do?

(Monday: Book Review: Where There Is No Doctor)

Book Review: The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook

by Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P.
(aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy)

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, of the Doom and Bloom Hour, are my definitive ‘collapse medicine’ experts. So I was thrilled when I heard they had published a  medical survival book and I immediately ordered a copy. When it arrived, I spent several days pouring through it.

I could not be happier, it is outstanding! Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy have written a first of it’s kind, an incredible medical reference in the–previously non-existent–category of collapse medicine.

They tell you what to do when, “Help is NOT on the way” ever.

Collapse: The situation after a TEOTWAWKI event; modern society, infrastructure, and systems as we know it will no longer exist.

Collapse Medicine: Medical care that will be provided when “there is no access to modern medical care, and there is NO potential for accessing such care in the foreseeable future.”

First aid books tell us, when treating a critical patient, to first stabilize then transport to a hospital emergency room. This one doesn’t. This one can’t – in a collapse there won’t be any. This book is written in plain easy to understand English, and it is written for you. You, the non-medical provider who takes it upon his or her self to assume the medical responsibilities for the group; doing your best to keep your people as healthy as you can.

The book begins by teaching you how to become a medical resource. It provides detailed lists of Likely Medical Issues You Will Face, Medical Skills You Will Want To Learn, and Medical Supplies you’ll want/need (including a thorough list of what to stock in your medical kit).

There is not only a valuable section explaining Natural Remedies (including a chapter on Essential Oils) but, whenever possible, it shows you how to effectively use them in conjunction with traditional (allopathic) pharmacology. Someday the only medicines available may be the ones you can grow and gather.

This book is as all-encompassing as I believe it can be. From respiratory infections to fractures to hypothermia to pregnancy and delivery, the chapters and the knowledge continue. There is even a detailed chapter on suturing; including when–and when not–to close a wound. If you can think of a medical problem that you may have to deal with in a collapse, there’s information about it in this book and more. Then, to further your medical education, they include a list of medical reference books you can add to your library and YouTube videos that demonstrate the procedures discussed.

The book concludes with information I don’t believe you’ll find written anywhere else; on the medically controversial topics of stockpiling medications (prescription and over-the-counter), how to use antibiotics (without a doctor’s guidance), and what drug expiration dates really mean.

Finally, I especially appreciate that they dedicated the book to me – okay, all of us. We, who will take on the medical responsibilities when there are no others; the ones who your group will affectionately call ‘Doc’. To us, Doctor Bones and Nurse Amy write, “…we both dedicate this book to those who are willing to take responsibility for the health of their loved ones in times of trouble. We salute your courage in accepting this assignment; have no doubt, it will save lives.”


How To Wire Your Gas Furnace To A Generator

Contributed by Guest Blogger: Rick Brodersen
of Rick’s DIY (HVAC & Electrical DIY)

Wiring your gas furnace to a generator is a project that’s frequently either over-thought or not thought of at all. Some people think you need a high dollar transfer switch wired to your breaker panel, requiring an electrician, or you have to temporarily rewire the breaker to the generator and then rewire everything again once the power comes back on.

But this isn’t the case, NEC (National Electric Code) only requires that appliances be on their own dedicated circuit. So, by simply rewiring your furnace you have the ability to use your furnace with a portable generator (or other auxiliary power). Then when the power goes out, just disconnect the furnace from the outlet and connect it to your generator, and use it like you normally would.

video: How To Wire Your Gas Furnace To A Generator

The cost of the materials was less than $20, and all of the items can be found at most hardware stores.

  • Outlet Box
  • Single Outlet Receptacle
  • Outlet Cover Plate
  • Power Supply Cord
  • Cable Connector
  • Misc Wire Nuts, Electrical Tape & Mounting Screws


  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver (multi-tip)
  • Side Cutters
  • Wire Strippers
  • Multi-Meter
  • Voltage Stick (optional)
  • Drill (probably a little overkill but if you’re installing the outlet box onto your furnace with sheet metal screws it will be needed)

How To Do It:
Everytime you’re working around electricity you MUST check that the power is OFF and then CHECK AGAIN. You can never be too careful when it comes to this point. (Even after all these years I occasionally still get shocked.)

Turn Off the breaker that controls your furnace. (Keep in mind that a many breaker panels are mislabeled.) Open your furnace and find where your power is coming in from and follow it to the junction box (or in my case, the circuit board.)

Pull off any covers and then test for voltage. I like to use the Fluke Voltage Stick first (ensure it works on a live circuit and then you can test it). After you have verified the power is off, carefully remove the wire nuts and test with a voltmeter. Once you are darn sure there is no power then you are safe to work on it.

Write down, or label your wires, the BLACK (hot), WHITE (neutral) & GREEN (ground). (Some might be red, orange, brown, etc.) You must rewire it exactly as it was: Black to Black, White to White, and Green to Green/Ground. Pull the wires out to the outside of the furnace.

First, install the OUTLET BOX. I put the conduit with the wires coming from the breaker into the outlet box and then level it where I would like to mount it. Screw it to the wall or furnace with the appropriate screws.

Next, you need to wire in your Single Receptacle Outlet. You may need to cut back your wires and strip them. (This is hard to explain in text and is better understood in the video.) Wire your Black (or hot) to the smaller bladed side of the outlet (if you’re facing the outlet this will be the right side) this screw is normally brass/gold in color. The White (or neutral) wires up to the larger bladed side, this screw is usually silver in color. Then the Green (or ground) goes to the last terminal that is bonded with the metal framework of the receptacle, sometimes this screw will be green colored (but every manufacturer is different).

Once wired, carefully push the receptacle back into the outlet box and screw it in, put on the COVER PLATE and we’re ready to move onto the final part.

To install the POWER CORD we have to add in the CABLE CONNECTOR to where the old power cable came into the furnace. Once you have the cable connector in, you can pull the power cord through and secure it.

Next, rewire the power cord to the connections on the furnace. If you’re using wire nuts be sure to Double Check that the wires are secured by tugging on each individually and then taping the connection with electrical tape (you can further secure with tie straps if needed).

Make sure to replace any cover plates, double-check that everything is wired properly and secured. Turn the power back on and check the outlet with your meter (this is not shown in the video) to make sure everything is wired properly. Finally, plug in your furnace and check operations.

video: An Overview: How To Wire Your Gas Furnace To A Generator

Now that you’re done, test it out with or without your generator. I recommend a test run on a dark, rainy night so you know what it’s going to be like when you’re actually going to have to use it.

Rick Brodersen is an HVAC/R Mechanic and has worked in the Seattle area for over 15 years, specializing in the commercial service industry. He has instructed at local trade schools and now continues teaching at He is also an avid prepper, hiker, and fisherman who, along with his family, enjoys taking in all the Pacific Northwest has to offer.

Read Rick’s Disclaimer

NOTE: Comments have been closed for this post. Please feel free to read the many, many replies Rick has given, if you still need his help he has asked you contact him directly through his site at

(Wednesday: Book Review: The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook)

What I Did This Week To Prep 1/27/12

and Storm After Action Review

Anytime you use your preps–after you neatly put them away for the next time–it’s important to review how things went. What went well? What needs to be changed or improved? And what did you learn? We were pleased with how our preps worked during the storm, and because of them the power outage was only a minor inconvenience.

However, there were a couple of things I needed to follow-up on. I checked the generator to see why it had stopped running. As stated, I assumed it had stopped because it ran out of gasoline. I looked in the tank, it still had plenty of fuel left, and it started just fine. I let it run for about 20 minutes and there were no issues. I don’t know why it had stopped. My only concern was the age of the gasoline in it. When we bought it a year ago the tank was full and we still had that same fuel. The previous owner had added Sta-Bil, but I don’t know when. I decided to drain the tank and fill it with fresh gasoline. I siphoned as much as I could into the Jeep, then let the generator run until it was empty (it ran for over an hour before it stopped – an inadvertent but useful test). Then I added new gasoline and Sta-Bil, started it up to double-check, and put it away.

While working with the generator, Sarah, Ryan and I all practiced starting it.  It’s important that all adults (and as many of the kids as possible) in the home know how to run the critical prepper equipment. We had been concerned that Sarah wouldn’t have the ‘bulk’ to pull-start the generator, but she was able to do it without much trouble.

Next, when the battery bank was in use it had shut off earlier than I expected; I thought it was because of some kind of a surge. But my understanding may have been flawed. Fellow prepping blogger Homestead Fritz send me a link to The 12volt Side of Life; a 12-volt battery information site. I’m going to do some additional research on that topic. I’ve said before, I have a decent amount of knowledge about a variety of topics – but electricity is not one of them (though I’m learning).

Finally, I went by the hardware store and bought an 8-foot, 14-gauge extension cord that will be dedicated to use with the furnace. During the power outage I realized I was one cord short, so we had to shuffle cords around. The battery bank and the furnace are only about six feet apart so it seemed like a waste to use a 25-foot cord, but the smaller ones I own were only 2-prong household types and I needed a heavier duty 3-prong one.

Also this week, I found out my favorite collapse medicine experts, Doctor Bones and Nurse Amy of the Doom & Bloom Hour, had written a book. The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook was published last week. I immediately ordered one and just received it in the mail. I’m very excited to have what I believe will be a fantastic medical reference. I’ll post a review on it soon.

I’ve started posting more to the TraceMyPreps Facebook page. I’d encourage you to “like” it and join our budding community; use that forum to comment, ask questions, and give advice. To make it easier I’ve added a ‘TraceMyPreps on Facebook’ like button on the top of the right side of my blog page. Also, right below that is a ‘Follow Blog Via Email’ box, if you sign up there each post I write will be automatically sent to you as soon as I publish it – this is an easy way to keep up on the posts as they come out.

What did you do?

Winter Power Outage = Good Chance To Test Preps

Weathering The Storm 

Western Washington had a pretty good storm last week. I realize, in the larger category of “winter storms”, this wasn’t anywhere among the worst. That being said, it was a big deal around here – we don’t have storms like that very often. What started off as a good amount of snow coming down, transitioned into an ice storm. The tree branches were weighed down and many broke, taking down power lines and causing a power outage that affected close to 300,000 homes.

We were one of those homes, our power was out for about 36 hours. So when life gives you lemons… I figured this was the perfect opportunity to test our preps! At 7:30 am, as Sarah and I were in the Jeep driving back from the train station (the trains were cancelled because of frozen switches), I got the call the power was out. As I drove up to the house, even though I knew the power was off, I still tried to use the garage door opener (habits). First lesson of the power outage: make sure everyone knows how to manually open the garage door.

Since we have had a couple of “lights-out” drills we knew where to start. We:

  1. ‘Fired-up’ the battery bank and, using a volt meter, checked and recorded the starting voltage (12.6 volts).
  2. Ran a 50 foot, 14-gauge extension cord into the house and plugged it into a surge protector for inside use.
  3. Connected another extension cord to the natural gas furnace to run the blower*.
  4. Put a temperature probe inside the deep freezer (in the garage), with one end out so that it could be easily read, and recorded the starting temperature (10 degrees).
  5. Brought lamps, with low energy bulbs, into the main room and plugged them into the surge protector.

The battery bank operated well that day. My parents, visiting from Colorado, were able to appreciated all our preps. My mom was especially grateful to be able to blow dry and curl her hair (before leaving to see more family) – she felt this alone justified all our preparations. We had heat (though we kept it lower than normal, 62 degrees), light, Ryan was able to play Xbox, and we watched a movie after dinner. Every couple of hours we’d check and record the battery voltage and the deep freezer temperature.

However, when we woke up the next morning I realized the heat wasn’t on. I checked the battery bank and it had powered off. Even though it registered plenty of voltage (11.3 volts) the indicator light showed the batteries had gotten too low – this shouldn’t have happened until it reached 10.0 volts. It’s possible this occurred because I had left the inverter plugged into the wall and the line may have surged, but I don’t know for sure. We got out the generator, fired it up, and connected it to the:

  • inverter, to recharge the battery bank. As soon as it was plugged in the inverter began to charge and work again.
  • freezer, even though the temperature was still below 20 degrees.
  • furnace blower, and turned the heat up to 70 degrees.
  • laptop computer and all other rechargeable devices.

Once the generator was running we used our Volcano Grill and percolator to make coffee, then boiled water for oatmeal.

Sarah and I then left for work. The generator ran for about three hours, then Ryan called and told me it had stopped. I assumed it had run out of gas. I had him plug things back into the inverter and continue to power the house from the battery bank (Repetitive & Redundant). That evening the power came back on. We put everything neatly away, ready for the next time.

(Friday: What I Did This Week To Prep including Storm After Action Review)

*Last summer my good friend, fellow prepper, and HVAC/R technician, Rick helped me rewire the line that powers the blower on my natural gas furnace. This allows me to plug the blower into an alternate power supply if needed. Rick has agreed to guest blog for me next Monday (1/30/12), when he’ll write about how you can do this same project yourself, complete with a detailed how-to video.

As The Water Slosheth

We Prepare For The Aftermath

The other day there was a casserole dish, full of water, soaking in the kitchen sink. I was ready to wash it, so I lifted it and began to pour the water out. Immediately I realized I had misjudged and the majority of the water would miss the sink and land on the adjacent counter. I tried to jerk the dish back, but the water was already in motion and flooded over the counter causing a wet mess.

As I was cleaning up the spilled dishwater, I reflected on what had happened. I hadn’t meant to spill the water. The moment it started moving the wrong way I realized it and tried to correct it, but it was too late. The water was in motion and the consequences were unstoppable. There was going to be dirty dishwater all over the counter – all I could do is clean it up.

Though the spilled water, once in motion, was unavoidable, the consequences were mitigated by established habit and routine. There weren’t any dishes drying in the rack next to the sink, so nothing had to be re-washed. We don’t prepare food in that area, so no food was ruined. A towel is kept under the sink, so clean up was started immediately. Because of our kitchen ‘preparedness’ a potential disaster became just a minor inconvenience.

This happened in less time than it takes to tell about it. That is frequently how life’s disasters–big or small–occur. It could be a tornado, a fall, a car crash, a fire, an earthquake, a bicycle accident, or an explosion. Even if there are indicators (seen or unseen) the actual incident typically happens incredibly quickly.

As a prepper you’re not preparing to stop, or even survive, the disaster; you’re preparing to survive the aftermath. The disaster itself–once in motion–is unstoppable; you either die in the immediate “burst” (or very soon after), or live to face the aftermath.

In that aftermath, while those around us are panicking and searching for direction; we know what we need: food, water, shelter, security, and energy. Our goal is to have preparations in place with a plan to use them, and the knowledge that we many have to improvise that plan as needed.

We have very little control over most things in our life, but we will still be forced to deal with the consequences. Once things are set into motion all we can do is respond. Plan and prepare to survive the aftermath.

(Wednesday: Weathering The Storm)

Adding A New Page: My Reading List

At the top of my site, under the TraceMyPreps banner, it reads ‘Home’ (which is the page you are currently on), ‘About Trace’, and ‘Check Here…”. Hopefully you’ve looked at those pages. Today I’m adding a new page: ‘My Reading List’.

While I know there are many, many good books out there, including many more we need to get; my list is the books we currently have in our library. Feel free to suggest additional books in either the comments section or on the TraceMyPreps FB Page.

So, without further ado:

What I’m Reading Now
The Eagle Has Crashed by Ted Lacksonen

What I Read Last
Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank

Prepper / Survivalist Novels

  • Lights Out by David Crawford
  • The Eagle Has Crashed by Ted Lacksonen
  • One Second After by William R. Forstchen
  • Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank (my review)
  • Patriots by James Wesley Rawles
  • The Road by Cormac McCarthy
  • The Change series by S.M. Stirling

Medical References

  • Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook
  • Delmar Nurse’s Drug Handbook
  • Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook by James Green
  • Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, natural remedies for ancient ills

Gardening References

  • Gardening For Dummies
  • Practical Herb Garden by Jessica Houdret
  • Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew


  • Joy of Cooking Erma Rombaur and Marion Rombaur Becker
  • The Woman’s Day Cookbook by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley
  • Fix-It and Forget It Cookbook Feasting with your Slow Cooker by Dawn J. Ranck
  • Dutch It! by Archie and Linda Dixon

Home Repair

  • Straight Poop, A Plumber’s Tattler by Peter Hemp
  • Home Improvement For Dummies
  • Photovoltaic Systems published by American Technical
  • Solar Water Heating by Bob Ramlow
  • Basic Electricity by Milton Gussow

General Prepper Resource Books

  • Hoyle’s Rules of Games
  • Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery
  • Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide by Sean Brodrick
  • Tom Brown’s Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival by Tom Brown, Jr.
  • Complete Joy of Home Brewing by Charlie Papazian

(Wednesday 1/17/12: no post, site blacked-out in support of the SOPA protest)

What I Did This Week To Prep 1/13/12

Taking my own advice, I bought some new heavy hiking boots. I needed to replace my old Danner boots that I have owned for over 14 years – since I was in the military. I knew they had finally given up the ghost when the Danner Refurbishing Department said they couldn’t rebuild my boots again (they had been rebuilt once and resoled three times – I loved those boots). So I went to a local shop and got them repaired and resoled as best as they could, and passed them down to Ryan. When Danner said they couldn’t rebuild my boots, they did send me a 25% off coupon for a new pair. For a late Christmas gift we ordered me a new pair of Danner Rain Forest Plain Toe Work Boots. They arrived in the mail this week. I was thrilled to have them, but not thrilled to have to break in a new pair of boots. It’s much easier to talk (or blog) the talk, then walk the walk (pun intended). Fortunately today’s genre of hiking boots is far better and easier to break in then they were a generation ago. But they sure felt stiff when Kate (our Border Collie) and I went out for the first three-mile walk. Now, I no longer have an excuse when it’s time to take her for a walk.

We visited Costco this week. (For the record, this month’s coupons sucked; nothing in the way of good prepper stuff.) We purchased a cross-cut paper shredder to be able to ‘create’ more browns for our compost pile (reference last week’s What I Did This Week To Prep). We also got a three-pack set of basic utilities knives for $10 to put in our BOBs*, they’re not as cool as the Gerber EAB, but at 1/3 of the cost they’ll work just fine and they–the utility knifes and the Gerber EAB–all use the same blades so we’ll only have to stock one type. Also, interesting to note, peanut butter (that went up in price in November, see What I Did This Week To Prep 10/21/11) is still $2 higher than it’s price last fall. We’re glad we had our SWYE all stocked up with plenty of PB and don’t need to buy it now at the higher price.

I also ordered the book, The Eagle Has Crashed by Ted Lacksonen. A novel about an economic meltdown and how society collapses in the aftermath. I heard him interviewed on The Survival Podcast (Episode 814) and was impressed with his insights and attitudes. I look forward to reading his book and plan to write a review of it.

What did you do?

(Monday: Adding New Page: My Reading List)

*For my list of abbreviations and other information, open the above ‘Check Here…’ page tab.

Sarah’s View: “What Do You Think Of All This?”

A Prepper’s Wife’s Point of View

I’m Sarah, Trace’s wife. We have been together almost three years and married for a year and a half. The year I met and moved in with Trace life completely changed. However, it wasn’t until shortly after we got married (a year after we started dating) that Trace discovered The Survival Podcast and our prepping life began.

Prepping, in our house, began in the “normal” way – with 72-hour kits. Since we live in Western Washington – prime earthquake territory – I’d always thought an emergency kit was a good idea. Although I would never have actually created one, I was quietly supportive when Trace started putting them together. Slowly, however, the “kits” began taking on a life of their own. They went from manageable backpacks to a backpack plus extra bags, totaling close to 60 pounds. At some point the bags went from being called 72-hour kits to Bug Out Bags, and the rest is history…

I didn’t totally “get” it, but I went along with his prepping. I love my husband and it seemed very important to him that we do this. It wasn’t until several friends – and then my mom – asked me, “What do you think of all this?” that I was forced to actually articulate my thinking. Trace does this, all of this, because he loves us and wants to protect us. If he were single he would not be prepping this way. He does this to give us the best chance in a worst case scenario.

There are parts of prepping I enjoy more than others. I like contemplating “what if?” scenarios. “What if” Mount Rainier (which is within 20 miles of our backyard) erupts and we’re trapped because of landslides? How would I get home from work? “What if” a pandemic breaks out? How do we help the kids when they’ve been at their mom’s for over a week and possibly exposed? “What if” the kids are with us when disaster strikes? They want their mom, Trace wants the kids with him…so we plan for me and Trace, the kids, and Trace’s ex-wife.

The  more tedious logistical aspects, i.e. calculating how much of each item we need, rotating food, etc. are less interesting to me. I help out as needed and appreciate our preps and all their redundancies, but – if it were just me – I wouldn’t be doing all this.

Being the wife of a prepper has had its eyebrow-raising moments, but when I remember that Trace does this because he wants us to be safe and happy no matter what life brings, I can’t help but smile. What girl doesn’t want to help her man be her knight in shining armor?

(Friday (back to Trace with): What I Did This Week To Prep)