One Year Blog Anniversary!

A year ago I started writing TraceMyPreps. My goal was to write, three times a week, for a year. I’ve now completed that year and my goal. Counting today’s, I’ve published 147 posts; 119 written by me and 28 written by my regular and guest contributors.

So what now? I set out to write for a year “then reevaluate.” I’ve learned a ton from writing my blog, it’s kept me focused on my prepping, constantly learning more, and helped direct where I wanted to go. I’ve written about things I knew about, things I’d recently learned about, things that have gone on in our life, and reviewed items and books.

I do want to continue my blogging, but not on such a regimented schedule. So now–instead of every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday–it’ll be when I choose to write; when I feel I have something worth writing.

That being said, Wednesdays will continue to written by one of my regular contributors:

  • 1st: Rural Relations with Josh. Josh recently started with us and will write about the lessons he’s learned, and what he’ll do differently next time, living on his own 5-acre homestead.
  • 2nd: Sarah’s View. Written by my wife Sarah, she tells of our prepping experiences from her perspective.
  • 3rd: Momma Bear. Leah writes as the “tip of the spear” prepper in her family. Though her husband is involved and supportive of their prepping, since he is an active duty Marine officer it’s possible–if a disaster strikes–he might not be around.

I’ll continue to write What We Did This Week To Prep and Teaching The Kids (& Learning More Myself) as things come along. Plus I’d like to do more book and product reviews, they always seem to be well received.

Essentially I’m giving myself “permission” not to stress about writing on a regularly basis. Since I’ll be posting more irregularly, I’d encourage people to “Subscribe To Blog Via Email”, there’s a box on the right side of my home page where you can do that. Then the entire post (not just a link) will be sent directly to your email; I never send anything else or distribute the list in any way. Another option is to “Like” TraceMyPreps on Facebook; there’s also a link to do that on the home page (right above “Subscribe to Blog”). Every time I post I put a link on FB, both on the TraceMyPreps FB page and on my personal page. Or just check back from time to time, most weeks there’ll be a couple of new posts.

Part of writing less is to reduce the time and stress in my life, but part of it is also that I’ve said a lot of what I wanted to say and I’m running out of ideas. If anyone has topics they’d like to see covered, feel free to pass them along either in the comments section, emailed directly to me, or on FB.

Finally, as we end our first year, I’d like to thank my wife, Sarah. She’s the one who suggested the idea of a blog, even though originally she wasn’t quite sure about this whole prepping thing (she still shakes her head from time to time), or the effort it would require from her. Over this last year we’ve learned a lot, but the biggest thing we’ve learned is where we want to end up together, both literally and figuratively.

(Wednesday: Sarah’s View)