Gun Show Review

of the Washington Arms Collectors’ Gun Show at the Western Washington Fairgrounds
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Washington Arms Collectors sponsor gun shows at the Western Washington Fairgrounds, in Puyallup (which is only seven miles from our home), Evergreen State Fairgrounds, in Monroe, and at the King County Fairgrounds, in Enumclaw. Annually, in Western Washington, there are about twenty gun shows. This is the fourth time I’ve gone to show here in Puyallup.

The Washington Arms Collectors is a membership organization, affiliated with the NRA. Their shows are open to all, admission is $9 and parking is free. But to buy or sell firearms you must become a member. An annual membership is $35 (admission is free to all shows with a membership), and the application must be accompanied by a Concealed Pistol License (or other approved firearms license) or you can pay $12 for an instant background check. You can get a membership at any show.

Sarah and I went this past weekend. This was her third show, we enjoy going and spending the time together, and she learns more each time she goes (whether she really wants to or not). It’s an interesting place, with lots of personalities–all the stereotypes–but mostly good, hardworking, honest gun enthusiasts. It’s fun to go and browse the huge display hall filled with table upon table of merchandise.

Of course there are guns, lots and lots and lots. Everything from the most current semi-automatic rifles, to bolt-action, to lever-action cowboy-style carbines, shotguns, more handguns than you can count, custom firearms, and even collector’s pieces.

Then there are the gun accessories, every type of holster, magazine, part, upgrade, carrying bag, or specialty item you could want; if you can’t find what you want you can probably find someone to make it for you. Literally tons of ammo, from specialty rounds to bulk sales; they have the best prices on ammo I’ve seen, including online, in part because there’s no shipping. There is also a large variety of knives, from the cheap $10 ones to custom-made blades and sheaths. The experts there are willing to answer any of your questions and are happy to give you their opinions and advice on pretty much anything.

Since this is the first time I’ve been since I started the blog, I paid closer attention to the ‘non-firearms’ related tables – instead looking around for the prepper-type items that were available. There were definitely plenty. Shelf Reliance Thrive Foods had a large booth, offering bulk and individual items, even giving out samples of their LTS foods (though I don’t own any Thrive products, I’ve heard them referred to as the best tasting LTS foods). had a nice booth advertising classes on emergency preparedness, carrying the Wise Foods brand of LTS foods, Berkey Water Filters, and food storage containers. There were tables full of books; books on pretty much any topic related to firearms or prepping/survivalism. There were first-aid medical supplies, bags, books, shears, suture material, bandages, and complete kits (we bought some QuikClot, that I’ll cover in a future post).

If it’s part of the firearm, knife, associated accessories, first-aid, and/or prepper/survivalism venues it was probably there. Good people and much to see make it a fun day to just wander and browse; if you’re willing to search diligently, and negotiate wisely, you can find some great deals.

(Wednesday: New guest blogger, The City Cousin (aka Shawn) will write about how he preps living in the big city in a small apartment. This, Part 1, will be an introduction to Shawn and his viewpoint on prepping.)

Note: All of the pictures in today’s post were taken from internet images, no pictures are allowed to be taken inside of the Washington Arms Collectors gun shows.

No, You Can’t Take It

five basic needs: 1) food, 2) water, 3) shelter, 4) SECURITY, and 5) energy

Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime.

There’s a story of a prepper moving into his new home. As he’s unpacking all of his preps and food storage in his garage the nosey neighbor wanders over, looks at all stuff and ‘jokingly’ says, “If the shit ever hits the fan, I know who I need to come and kill.” The prepper looks at the neighbor and says, “That’s too bad. Before you said that, I would have shared with you if you were in need.”

Now that we’re starting to build our preps, what do we need to do to keep them secure? It’s a tough, but real question. There are people out there who’s shit hits the fan (SHTF) scenario is to take others’ stuff by force (“I don’t need to store food, I just store ammo”). To share, or not, is a personal choice; however, the decision is one you should be allowed to make, not forced into.

Our neighbors and those around us know that we’re preppers. They see into our garages; they hear us discuss our projects and stores. Some in the prepper community express concern about others ‘knowing too much’; but I believe, with the appropriate caution, we should share our knowledge and set an example, and build community around us.

“When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” Lack of water kills us in a few days; lack of security can kill us in seconds.

Security involves many technical skills: personal defense, weapons, firearms, and first aid. Almost all require some degree of initial training, and then continuing education to maintain proficiency. It encompasses a lot of things viewed as the ‘Cool Guy’ exciting stuff. Many of us, myself included, enjoy training in personal defense, shooting guns, or learning to treat a trauma wound. But these skills become very serious when lives depend on them.

Being aware of your environment and actions is also a big part of security. Know who’s around, have escape routes in mind, look for potential weapons. Do what you can to avoid dangerous places and situations. Frank Sharpe Jr., of Fortress Defense, teaches “We don’t go to stupid places, with stupid people, and do stupid things.”

In addition to the practical skills, there are the moral aspects. While most would agree with defending yourself, and others around you, what about defending your ‘stuff’? Where is the line, how much of your preps (‘stuff’) can you lose before that loss threatens your life?

The Second Amendment affirms our right to “keep and bear Arms.” Firearms ownership in the prepper community is overwhelmingly approved of and encouraged. I believe firearms should be a part of your preps. But everyone must decide what is appropriate for them. If you do choose to use firearms, ensure you have the proper training in safe use and handling.

Whether you choose to use firearms or not, I also highly recommend carrying pepper spray on a daily basis. It’s a non-lethal option that is easy to carry, requires no special training, it’s inexpensive, and very effective.

And finally, first aid training–to keep us secure if/when someone gets hurt– is a topic near and dear to me. After working as a paramedic for almost 10 years I appreciate what can, and can’t, be done.

Firearms, other weapons, and first aid will be the topics of future posts. At this point I simply want to raise awareness. As we strive for self-reliance we know that systems fail–especially in disasters. It is up to us to protect our five basic needs, our homes, and our families.

(Friday: What I Did This Week To Prep)