Goals For 2013

2012 was the first time I had publicly posted my goals. Last week I reviewed those goals: some achieved, some postponed, some re-prioritized.

goals-for-2013So here it goes for 2013.

Most of our goals revolve around finally buying, and moving onto, our homestead. We’ve done a lot here in our rented home in suburbia, with our 1/10th of an acre yard (living with strict HOA rules) and two-car garage. Not that we’ve done everything we can, but we’ve done about all we’re likely to do. We are in a pretty good situation prepardness-wise–with all the above limitations considered–but now we’re ready to take the next step.

We’ve been looking for a homestead for the past year and a half, including having an offer accepted on one we really liked — only to have the seller back out. But both Sarah and I really feel like it’s time. We want to own a home on a rural piece of property. We have a relatively small budget, because we want to keep our mortgage low so we can easily live within our means, but we believe it’s enough to find what we are looking for. That being said, we can pretty much guarantee there will be additional expenses, and a lot of sweat-equity to make it properly livable. We have a limited range, we don’t want to move very far from where my girls live with their mother. We’d prefer the house to have at least three bedrooms and two baths, with a garage. The property needs to be mostly usable, at least half forested, preferably with water on it. We’ve got some leads we’re working on and hopefully everything will fall into place soon.

Goals (assuming we get the homestead)

  • Add more livestock. The first year in our new place we’ll probably just add chickens (in addition the rabbits we already have). Future years may bring ducks, goats, bees, and/or pigs — we’ll see.
  • Get a second working dog. Most likely a Great Pyrenees, to help with security of the livestock and property.
  • Learn more about permaculture design (developing sustainable, mostly self-maintained, agricultural systems based on natural ecosystems), and begin incorporating it into the property.
  • Begin planting annual fruit (and nut) bearing trees and bushes.
  • Get at least some type of garden in, and actively work on developing additional gardening spots through clearing, composting, and mulching.
  • (if there’s water on the property) Learn more about, and hopefully begin developing, a micro-hydro system to develop electricity.

1882313856_1356989402Other Goals

  • Learn to pickle vegetables
  • Continue to blog, at least weekly
  • Learn to preserve, and use, herbs in a variety of ways
  • Develop proficiency working with Kydex

Goals carried over from 2012

  • Learn to make yogurt
  • Learn to brew beer
  • Grow cabbage, then make sauerkraut
  • Get extra rice and beans to share with neighbors (if/when needed)
  • Learn to identify local plants (especially ones on the homestead)
  • Learn more about solar power, evaluate feasibility

What are your 2013 goals?