What We Did This Week To Prep 5/4/12

Our greenhouse is up and running. All of the seedlings are out there enjoying the available sunshine while being shielded from the wind, elements, and most of the cold. The plants seem to be doing well. Sarah went out and transplanted the sprouts from the small starter containers into larger ones to allow them to have their own space and grow larger and stronger. It’ll be interesting to see how big the seedlings get before we put them into the ground mid-June. When it comes to gardening–including maximizing our greenhouse–we’re still learning so much; someday this will all become routine, but we’re still a long way from there.

Recently, on The Survival Podcast (TSP), Jack interviewed ‘Joe Nobody’ (TSP episode 881). Joe is a former military man with extensive security expertise. I was skeptical when I first heard about the interview thinking him to be “one of those guys”. But I was impressed with his logical reasoning and common sense approach to security, both personal and property. I bought two of his books after hearing the interview: a how-to book, Holding Your Ground – Total Defense and his first novel, Holding Their Own – A Story of Survival. I’m almost done with the novel and I’ve looked through Holding Your Ground and I’ve enjoyed and am impressed with both. While we discuss security as one of our basic needs, Joe takes it to a whole new level. Will a collapse/SHTF event happen on a level that these types of security skill-sets will be necessary? I don’t know, probably not in the way they are portrayed by Hollywood or even in Joe’s novel. But could we have a couple of weeks of chaos and local anarchy? Yes we could, and that is far more likely. While we know we need to eat, drink, have energy and be sheltered on a daily basis (and those should be our top priorities), security needs to be part of any plan you develop for your family or group. Personally I am expanding our family’s security plan, and adding equipment, based on his advice.

Sarah recently bought us Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits – Breeds, Care, Facilities. It will provide us with information on all things rabbits. It also has some good plans/ideas for hutches, I already have most of the needed materials in the back and now that the greenhouse is done that’s the next project. We have also found Rise and Shine Rabbitry (the link can also be found on my blogroll) to be a great resource; Rick Worden has put together extensive, usable information there and he also puts out a lot of good information on his facebook page.

What did you do?