What We Did This Week To Prep 5/18/12

The sunny warm spring weather, up here in the Northwest (it doesn’t normally happen this way), motivated Sarah to get some of the plants out of the greenhouse and into the ground this week. She didn’t do all of them, but she did transplant the several varieties of squash and the green beans. Hopefully, when the temperatures return back to our normal “temperate” levels the plants will be okay (it really doesn’t get, and stay, warm here until July); if temperatures get too cold we’ll cover up the young plants at night. Sarah also planted all the seeds into the garden. The tomatoes, and a couple of other things, are still in the greenhouse for a few more weeks. It’s also fun to see our perennials: raspberries, strawberries, lavender, asparagus, rhubarb, and some of the herbs that we planted last year coming back to life and growing again.

Sarah spent this week in Portland for a business trip; since I have Sunday and Monday off, I went down with her for a couple of days. We left early Sunday morning and drove all the way down to “meet” some prepper friends who we had previously only known through the internet. It was fun to meet and talk face to face. They recently bought a wonderful, river front, homestead in western Oregon. It was about a six-hour drive to get there; but OR is beautiful this time of year, we enjoyed the one on one time, and the drive passed quickly. We enjoyed seeing their new homestead in it’s raw form. It’s always easy to sit back and say when I get “mine” I’ll do this or I won’t do that, but once you’re actually there that gets tougher to do. They are actually doing it. They have an amazing vision for the property and are making plans to accomplish their goals. It’s too bad they don’t lived closer to us so we could help them more, but we wish them the very best in their endeavors! Seeing their property makes us want our own place even more.

The fish antibiotics arrived that I ordered last week. We ordered through a company called Aqua-Products. They had the best prices and their deliver was very quick. Even after all I’ve read and heard about fish antibiotics and human antibiotics being the exact same thing I still felt just slightly skeptical. As I had all these generic looking fish pill bottles sitting in front of me, I decided to open a bottle and look at the pills (I hadn’t actually done that before, not wanting to break the seal). The Aqua-Mox, which is amoxicillin 500 mg capsules, was red and pink with ‘WC 731’ written on both halves. I looked it up drugs.com Pill Identification Wizard, and it matched exactly with amoxicillin 500 mg. This unequivocally convinced me they are all the same, they all come from the same place, and the only difference is the label on the bottle.

What did you do?